Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Clueless . . . and a miracle

This is about MK, the little girl about whom we were quite clueless. 

We're so thankful to all who prayed. It was a joy to watch Rev. Maxwell David and his wife, Sr. Snehalatha who came for a week of spiritual retreat, pray for this little girl. 

From a medical point of view, we explored all the possible diagnosis . . . and quite a few of us believed that this girl has Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Unfortunately, we could not resort to any blood investigations as she was so chubby to get any blood sample. 

As mentioned earlier, we gave fluids through an intra-osseous line. And she was mechanically bagged for more than 2 days. 

Here is MK ready to go home after her period of admission. 

All glory and praise to our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ . . .


  1. This baby looks grossly Cushingoid. Is the baby on exogenous steroids in any form -drops, Homeopathy, syrups/tablets for asthma etc ? We have had similar very chubby babies brought to us and after excluding exogenous steroid use, we evaluated for endogenous Cushing's syndrome

  2. Jeevan - we had a 'steroid baby' there during out time at Nav Jeevan - probably around 2000 or so because it was after Sheba had joined us at NJH - local quacks mix the steriods in with their meds - I took a picture of the child (pre-digital camera days) - lets see if I can unearth it!

    - keep up the great work!

  3. This is something we thought about in the beginning. There was no history suggestive of such a thing. They told that their previous baby was also like this for the first 1 year, but later became normal sized. Roshine wrote this is facebook - 'There was no history of any sort of supplement use, unless the family was not forthcoming with a proper history. The child's birth weight was 3.8kg. She has been called for an OPD review. Will try convince them to do a work up for evaluation if they do come.'
