Today, in outpatient, I had a 30 year old lady walking in. Her history was quite shocking.
Diagnosed to have tuberculosis without a sputum AFB more than a year back, she was on treatment for almost 10 months with a multitude of medicines including 90 injections of streptomycin.
The problem was that she had not felt better throughout the course of her treatment.
Below are 3 X-Rays she had with her.
Feb 2014 |
Sept 2014 |
Feb 2015 |
I await for her sputum AFB.
I'm not sure if I would do justice to her if I just refer her to a higher center nearby.
Earlier in the day, I had another patient who was invariably depressed. The interesting thing was that this guy had absolutely no symptom suggestive of tuberculosis. However, he was on anti-tuberculous medications since the last 2 months. The reason - - - some doctor had done a Quantiferon TB Gold Test on him and it was positive.
Just a glimpse of the scenario of tuberculosis control in the country.
Of course, I would be glad to get feedback on the management of the patient . . .