2. We had 3 babies who weighed less than a 1200 gms over the last week of which one baby is just 750 gms. The littlest one has clung on to his life for the last couple of days. Please pray that all the babies will be safe.
3. Today, we had the RSBY Scheme installed in our hospital. We plan to run it on beta for the first week and officially inaugurate the service from next Monday. We thank the Lord that in spite of umpteen challenges we’ve been able to get it going. Kindly pray that our experience with RSBY would be rich.
4. We thank the Lord for Wendy and Jerry from Grace Babies who have been with us since the last 2 weeks. We’ve also been able to start the full fledged functioning of the NICU. Please do pray that we would have a full time paediatrician to care for our sick babies.
5. We thank the Lord for the progress of the Burns Unit. We also thank the Lord for a significant contribution that has been raised through the efforts of one of our friends in Australia. Over the next two weeks, couple of major purchases for the Burns Unit in the form of a Skin Graft Mesher and a Brick Making Machine would be made. Kindly pray for all the logistics involved.
6. One of the major possibilities after the introduction of RSBY in the hospital is a sudden surge in our outpatient and inpatient numbers. I’m not very sure about the quality of care that we would be able to provide if such a surge is there. Something which we need quite badly are staff of all cadres who are committed with a soft corner for the poor and the marginalised.
7. Construction of newer residences is a crying need for the unit. We pray for funds as well as opportunities for construction of new staff quarters.
8. Couple of our doctors (Drs Ango and Titus) would be travelling for the Medicine CME arranged at Herbertpur Christian Hospital. We thank the Lord for such opportunities as well as pray that it would be a great time of learning and sharing experiences.
9. Kindly pray for Namiyani, one of our staff nurses whose mother suffered a stroke. We thank the Lord that she has made a good recovery. Please pray that she will be completely healed.
10. We are thankful for the time of prayer and study from the Word which the staff and their families had on Feb 24th.
11. Kindly pray for Sr. Dulari who has a inevitable abortion on the way as well as for Sr. Chandrakala who has a severe growth retardation in her pregnancy.
12. We are thankful that Dr Shishir has recovered quite well and his evaluation has also not revealed anything serious. One of our staff, Sr. Elmira had met with an accident couple of weeks back and had an avulsion of the heel pad. We send her to Robertsganj for treatment. She is on her way to recovery. Please pray for her complete healing.
Thanks for your regular news up date